My Pathetic New Year’s Resolutions, Which I Will Completely Fail to Keep

1. Do more daily exercise, maybe 10 minutes of calisthenics in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening, and keep up my evening walks I sometimes go on.

2. Erm, maybe stop being a tight fisted bastard saving most of the wages I earn and start buying things I want. I’ve been at my job since September 2013, around the same time the blackmailing business ceased and rarely ever spend a penny except to give rent money to my parents  or to buy chocolate/tins of food, so I should start treating myself more.

3. By the end of the year, have a cupboard full of tabletop games. I have a niggling worry about inconsistencies in a tabletop game collection I would start to build up. Some of the books and cards would have been published during different times/periods, like Atlas Games’ Over the edge RPG 2nd edition being published in 1997, whereas Feng Shui 2 will be published in 2015 meaning some games in the collection will have good art work and production values while some games will have shitty artwork and production values. Also for card games, some games would have say, 7 or 8 expansions, others would have 2 or 3 expansions, whereas other card games would be unsupported stand alone card games. I want the collection to be PERFECT, not a collection where some games are supported with supplements/expansions and others aren’t. I want it to be perfect.

4. Not really a new year’s resolution this, but I’l be 22 years old in June and still haven’t ever been on a date in a my entire life. So I would like to meet a nice girl this year and maybe it’l lead from there (not likely though cos my body is grotesque)

5. Erm, I can’t think of a 5th one at this time. Give me a few months to let my slow, retarded brain catch up with the present moment and I’l have thought of one. PERHAPS to cut down the amount of times I masturbate each day to once or twice, because at the moment it’s often 3 or 4 times a day and it’s gotta stop before I get in trouble. I’ve done in at work before even and still do on quite infrequent occasions, and it must stop.


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